Tuesday, September 2, 2008

What is the purpose of this blog?

Dear students and readers,

Many educators have started to include the use of weblogs in order to enhance the language learning process. I just thought that I should clarify the top 3 purposes of my blog.

1. I will be posting links and interesting topics that I found periodically. I hope that they will provide assistance in your language learning journey. It'll be of great help to me and other readers if you can provide a review on the topics/links that you choose to look into. For instance, I would like to know if the website/topic has been useful to you and what you like/dislike about it. You can also provide suggestions or other links that you have come across.

2. Please know that although I am pursuing a degree in teaching TESOL, I am by no means a master or expert of the language. Just like some of you, English is not my native language so I will have many questions about the usage of the language. Thus, you will see me posting questions and I welcome you to comment on them. Similarly, I will be expecting you to post your questions about the language. You are also welcome to put in requests on a particular topic. For example, you can put "I'd like more information on the use of conjunctions" or something similar. I will try to answer any questions that you might have and if I find that I am unable to do so, I will try my best to search for any information regarding the topic.

3. Finally, I am a big fan of multiculturalism and I believe that a successful language learning process can only be achieved if we learn about the culture of that language as well. I hope to use this blog as a reflective/interactive space for all of us. Since we are focusing on learning English, I will be posting discussion topics related to the American culture/language. I look forward to hearing your opinions and thoughts about them. As always, I welcome your suggestions and comments on discussion topics that you would like to see posted.

Learning a new language takes work and practice but please remember that you don't have to do it alone and most of all, always remember to have lots of fun doing so! :)

Here is a link to some ESL/EFL Teacher Blogs that I find extremely useful and interesting: http://esl.about.com/od/blogs/ESL_EFL_Teacher_Blogs.htm

Until next time...


Maryanne said...


What a great beginning you have to your blog. The e purposes are very well described. I hope that you continue this blog for quite a while to reap all its potential.

Dr. Burgos

J Jackson said...

Hi Ann,

I love the cartoon, it's sooo true I depend on tv too. I like your openness and extension that offer students who will be learning other languages-it's always comforting to show others how you relate and connect to them with similiar issues. Also, the inclusion of American culture is a great item you can use with your blog. You can have clips of movies, shows, news, web pages, music....there are loads of possibilities.

Great job on your blog and I look forward to your ideas.
